How to Deep fry Fish

Lets go on a brief discuss on how to deep fry fish.

Deep frying (also referred to as deep fat frying) is a cooking method in which food is submerged in hot fat, most commonly oil, rather than the shallow oil used in conventional frying, done in a frying pan. Normally, a deep fryer or chip pan is used for this; industrially, a pressure fryer or vacuum fryer may be used.

  • Please make sure to

    Fry in Small Batches

    When deep-frying, keeping the oil hot is critical to producing a quality product. The key is to fry items in small batches, because putting too much food in the oil all at once will lower the oil's temperature.

Fried Foods, Not Oily Foods

So despite the fact that deep-fried foods have a reputation for being oily or greasy, greasy food is merely a sign of poor cooking technique and not an indictment of deep-frying itself.

Curious to see how much oil deep-fried food absorbs? Try this simple test:
  1. Measure precisely how much oil you pour into the fryer (or dutch oven) before cooking.
  2. Measure it again after cooking — but wait for the oil to cool first!
The difference between before and after is how much oil ended up in the food.
It might be a lot less than you thought. Draining the item on paper towels before serving will help minimize its oil content even more.

  •  Use light oils for deep – frying such as sunflower, vegetable or corn oil
  • Dont forget to Cut fish into even sized pieces to get uniform cooking times
  • When adding battered or breaded fish into the oil then do slowly to ensure no splash back
  • Always reheat oil back to correct temperature between batch cooking


Always check the oil is at the correct temperature
Do not add too many pieces of fish at once as the temperature will reduce
Always drain on kitchen paper.


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